Donald Trump’s latest “China Virus” meltdown isn’t exactly going over well

Early on, Donald Trump tried to distract from his negligent mishandling of the coronavirus by repeatedly referring to it as the “China Virus.” This was a blatant attempt at sowing racial discord, and it resulted in numerous hate crimes against Asian-Americans. Then Trump suddenly stopped calling it that, and refrained from doing so for several weeks. Now today Trump is back on his racism bender:
Great reviews on our handling of Covid 19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus. Ventilators, Testing, Medical Supply Distribution, we made a lot of Governors look very good – And got no credit for so doing. Most importantly, we helped a lot of great people!
There are so many things wrong with this tweet, it’s difficult to know where to start. First, “China Virus” is disgustingly racist. Second, Trump is still treating this like it’s some kind of contest between him and the Governors. Third, these “reviews” he’s bragging about don’t exist, and it’s horrifying that he would brag about them even if they did exist.
Then there is the fact that today is Memorial Day, and the nation’s focus is supposed to be on the numerous soldiers who have died while protecting our freedom. But Trump is ignoring that, while also ignoring the hundred thousand Americans who have died as a result of his coronavirus negligence. We know everything is falling apart for Trump, but he must be really desperate to be circling back to the racist angle. It’s always the first and last card he plays.