Donald Trump’s biggest cheerleader finally admits he’s in trouble

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Even as most legal experts have come to agree that Donald Trump is facing serious legal jeopardy in the Trump-Russia scandal, Alan Dershowitz has insisted that Trump was somehow in the clear. Dershowitz has been such an unabashed Trump apologist, he’s lost the respect of mainstream Americans over it, and he claims he’s lost friends as well. But now he’s suddenly singing a very different tune.

After Paul Manafort cut a plea deal against Donald Trump today, Alan Dershowitz appeared on MSNBC. He was asked if this meant it was time for Trump and his White House to be worried. Dershowitz’s response was striking. He said that it’s a “tough question whether or not alleged crimes committed to get somebody elected president is an impeachable offense or not.” But he added that “this is a big win” for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

It’s never been entirely clear why Dershowitz has been shilling for Trump, particularly considering that he is not a conservative and does not appear to be aligned with Trump politically. Dershowitz insists that he’s simply providing his honest analysis of Trump’s legal prospects, even as the internet has floated far darker theories about why Dershowitz has recently married himself to Trump.

But now things have taken such an ugly turn for Donald Trump that even Alan Dershowitz seems to think it’s a reason to sound the alarm. When your biggest cheerleader and apologist finally decides that you’re in trouble, it’s not exactly a good sign for you. Meanwhile, even as the Manafort cooperation deal threatens to bring Trump’s entire world down, Trump has begun doubling down on his deranged lies about death tolls in Puerto Rico. He doesn’t exactly appear to have his eye on the ball tonight.

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