Donald Trump’s big ceremony today was a disaster for him

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You can always count on Donald Trump to do the bare minimum, do it disingenuously, and fail to impress anyone outside his shrinking base. We saw that on display again today when Trump held a public event focused on “police reform,” which his people insisted was going to be a big deal, and it ended up being… well, nothing.

All that Donald Trump did today was to stumble through a campaign rally speech, sign a largely toothless executive order, wave it around while standing next to someone wearing a cowboy hat, and leave without taking any questions. Talk about mailing it in.

With Trump’s poll numbers now falling by the day, he needs to be making big steps to try to turn his failing presidency around. We’re not sure what he could have done today that would have helped his numbers, considering how thoroughly he’s on the unpopular side of these kinds of issues. But this wasn’t it.

Of course the bar is so low for Donald Trump, we’re not even sure how to grade these events anymore. After he inexplicably said today that there is an AIDS vaccine, are we supposed to give him points for then sorta kinda correcting himself? Do we hand out extra credit because he didn’t have any incidents with a glass of water or a ramp? Trump is running out of time to figure out how to hold an event that’s not a disaster.

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