Donald Trump just caved

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One of Donald Trump’s most consistent behavior patterns is that if he’s going to do something dastardly, he just does it without warning, preferring to use secrecy and surprise to his advantage. Accordingly, when Trump keeps threatening to do something, it’s because he knows he can’t pull it off, and he’s merely trying to scare or distract people by floating his fantasy.

Trump was never going to appoint Sidney Powell as some kind of Special Counsel to investigate imaginary 2020 election fraud. Why? Even Trump knows she’s a total crackpot who would merely end up embarrassing him and further weakening his already-crumbling position. Nor would Trump realistically have the muscle to pull it off.

Sure enough, the Daily Beast and the New York Times are both reporting tonight that Trump has informed Powell that she will not be appointed as Special Counsel after all. Again, this was never a thing that was going to happen. Even Trump knew that. He’s just desperately grasping at straws and fantasizing out loud about how things might magically all work out for him. But in politics, there never are any magic wands.

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