Dear Palmer Report readers,
We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.
In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report
Six hours. That’s how long Donald Trump managed to stand his ground today on a phony threat that he literally could not have carried out even if he’d tried. Trump tried to create a distraction by threatening to quarantine parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. But the National Guard in each state takes orders from the Governor, not from the President.
Palmer Report called this out for being nothing more than an attempt at distracting the media from covering his negligence and failures, and sure enough, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ended up confirming that he wasn’t about to let any such thing happen. Now Trump is caving. He just posted this tweet:
On the recommendation of the White House CoronaVirus Task Force, and upon consultation with the Governor’s of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, I have asked the @CDCgov to issue a strong Travel Advisory, to be administered by the Governors, in consultation with the Federal Government. A quarantine will not be necessary. Full details will be released by CDC tonight. Thank you!
We saw that coming. The only way Donald Trump could have succeeded with this would have been if Andrew Cuomo agreed with him, which was never going to happen. We still suspect Trump only tried this stunt to try to help out his pal, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is currently trying to scapegoat New Yorkers for his own failed response to the coronavirus crisis.
Dear Palmer Report readers,
We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.
In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report