The case for Donald Trump’s impeachment just got a whole lot stronger

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Perhaps one of the biggest hurdles with bringing impeachment to the table has been to convince the average person who doesn’t follow politics that the process isn’t being carried out simply for partisan reasons. After all, that was largely why Republicans decided to waste time with an impeachment effort they knew was doomed to fail back in 1998, and why the previous two U.S. presidents were routinely threatened with articles of impeachment that never came to fruition. Republicans took what was meant to be a bipartisan action to remedy a constitutional crisis and made it into a partisan tool.

Impeachment shouldn’t be the first option under any president, regardless of how much you agree or disagree with their politics. It’s an arduous process that can divide the country and erode the trust people have in democratic institutions for years to come, whether or not it’s effective. Unfortunately, much of the Trump presidency has been defined by his administration’s disregard for these institutions meant to provide checks and balances, and impeachment is a last resort option to discourage any future politicians from seeking foreign aid to swing an election in their favor.

Now, the effort to impeach Donald Trump has gotten a significant boost from a non-partisan source: a watchdog organization known as National Security Action has publicly come out in favor of impeachment on Friday morning, releasing a statement that lauded the efforts of House Democrats and collected the signatures of 300 former national security advisors who worked under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Even more former advisers are expected to sign the document in the next few days.

“President Trump appears to have leveraged the authority and resources of the highest office in the land to invite additional foreign interference into our democratic processes,” the letter reads. “That would constitute an unconscionable abuse of power. It also would represent an effort to subordinate America’s national interests — and those of our closest allies and partners — to the President’s personal political interest.”

Donald Trump is probably presiding over the least stable National Security Council in history, with advisers rarely staying on past a year. If the letter is any indication, we may be seeing a flurry of ugly news leaking soon about this administration’s reckless foreign policies.

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