Carly Fiorina and Fox News just dropped a house on Donald Trump

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You know it’s a bad sign for an incumbent Republican president when multiple Republican presidential candidates from four years ago are now crossing party lines to endorse the other guy. Actually we don’t quite know just how bad of a sign this is, because it’s never happened before. Yet here we are.

Carly Fiorina, a Republican who ran for president in 2016, went on Fox News this morning and endorsed Joe Biden. Here’s what stands out as remarkable. Fox had to know Fiorina was going to do this (she’d been publicly siding with Biden for awhile), yet they booked her anyway.

It’s becoming clear that for all its nonsensical and dishonest pro-Trump rhetoric, Fox News is now trying to prepare its audience for a post-Trump future. Of course Carly Fiorina’s endorsement of Joe Biden comes after 2016 Republican presidential candidate John Kasich did the same last month.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.