Living legend Carl Reiner vows to help take Donald Trump down

Ninety-eight year old Carl Reiner has done it all in his lifetime as an actor, director, and screenwriter. These days he has yet another mission in mind: taking down Donald Trump. Reiner has been posting frequent tweets aimed at exposing Trump’s corrupt presidency.
On Tuesday night, Carl Reiner posted this tweet: “Interested to learn whether my Trump tweets are, in the slightest,. helping to unseat the poorest President in the history of our great Nation. If you think so, I willl continue!” After receiving widespread encouragement, Reiner posted this followup a few hours later: “In hearing the 4700 voices of my peers, i can naught do but continue to tweet my true feelings about our, sure-to-be outgoing Prez.”
You can follow Carl Reiner here.
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