New questions emerge about what Brett Kavanaugh’s calendar really says about July 1st, 1982

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It’s quickly becoming apparent that Brett Kavanaugh made a major error when he submitted his calendar from 1982 as supposed evidence that he couldn’t have attended a party matching the description of the one where he allegedly tried to rape Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Kavanaugh apparently failed to notice the July 1st entry on his own calendar, which closely matches Ford’s description of the party, and potentially incriminates him.

Now that the FBI is investigating the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, his calendar entry from July 1st, 1982 is suddenly coming into sharp focus. It appears to say “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, PJ, Bernie, Squi.” This gives the FBI a lot to work with. Now it knows to pursue a party that took place at Timmy’s house. “Judge” is Mark Judge. “PJ” is Patrick Smyth. According to multiple major media reports tonight, both men have publicly stated that they’re willing to cooperate with the FBI. The rest of the people named can be easily identified. But that leaves the matter of “Skis.”

Take a look for yourself at the July 1st entry:

Most observers have assumed that “Skis” is short for “Brewskis” or beer, which would fit in with Kavanaugh’s repeated references to drinking beer during his Senate testimony. But Palmer Report has heard from one individual who attended prep school in the 1980s and says that “Skis” or “Skiing” was a popular prep school reference to cocaine at the time. One member of the Palmer Report research team believes Kavanaugh didn’t actually write “Skis” but wrote “Skig” instead. According to Urban Dictionary, “Skig-scag” is an offensive reference to a woman who has a large number of sexual partners. Was this a derisive reference to Ford? The FBI has a lot to work with here.

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