Donald Trump’s GOP allies in Congress just got burned something fierce

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The trouble with being a Republican in Congress these days is that if you don’t align yourself with Donald Trump, you’ll get driven out of the party – and yet if you do align yourself with Donald Trump, your fate is married to his. So when Trump made the idiotic and frankly mentally incompetent decision to bet big on his hallucinations about President Obama having somehow framed Michael Flynn, the GOP had to go all-in with him.

Now it turns out the Obama-Flynn “scandal” is what mentally competent people always knew it was: literally nothing. We know this because Donald Trump’s broken mind thought that Susan Rice’s email about Obama doing everything “by the book” was somehow proof of his lunatic conspiracy theory, so he declassified it. In reality the email is absolute exoneration of everyone in the Obama administration.

So now Donald Trump’s GOP allies in Congress are stuck with this albatross around their necks. Considering how big Lindsey Graham bet on this nonsense, his odds of reelection probably just dropped by half. And yet he’ll keep digging himself an even bigger hole on this, because if he doesn’t stick with Trump, he’s finished anyway. As has been the case from the start of this debacle, Trump is taking the Republicans down with him. They all belong in prison at this point.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.