Broken Donald Trump resorts to crashing memorial services to whine about his election loss

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Donald Trump made headlines on Thursday for what seems to be his latest disturbing habit: Showing up randomly at memorial services on his property to lament his 2020 election loss to anyone who will listen, desperately seeking out the same crowds that he used to define his catastrophic presidency. Despite having to be constantly reassured of his popularity, even if it meant scraping the bottom of the barrel for statistics, Trump was the least popular president of modern history – never achieving an approval rating of even 50%. Worldwide, his ratings were even worse – and by consequence, so were America’s approval numbers, with the majority of countries losing their confidence in America’s leadership and influence.

Now that he’s out of office, the numbers have rebounded. Not only have President Biden’s approval numbers held at a significantly higher percentage than the former guy, but America’s image has gone up as well – just in time for the president’s first G7 summit. According to a new study by Pew Research Center, U.S. favorability among countries has more than doubled – and in just a year. The median U.S. favorability rating in 16 countries in 2020 was 34%, now it’s 62%, just to put things in perspective.

These numbers – like Biden’s 78% favorability rating in Germany – compared to the 10% favorability Donald Trump had in that country a year ago, are hitting at a crucial time too – with the surveys taken before President Biden declared his willingness to donate 500 million vaccination doses across the globe – and just as the president needs support among nations to enact policies that could influence global stability and trade for years to come – like taking action on climate change and organizing a summit of democracies around the world.

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