Donald Trump reportedly having trouble breathing

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After Donald Trump was transported to Walter Reed Medical Center this evening to treat his worsening coronavirus, CNN reporter Jim Acosta revealed that people around Trump had “serious concerns” about his declining condition. Now it appears to be even uglier than previously known.

Now Acosta is reporting that according to one Trump adviser, Donald Trump is “very tired, very fatigued, and having some trouble breathing.” This is starting to get really ugly. To be clear, Trump has been seen walking and speaking today, though he didn’t look well, so it’s not as if he’s currently on his deathbed.

But either Donald Trump’s symptoms are continuing to get worse, or the people around him have gradually become more willing to admit just how sick he’s gotten as the day has gone on. Earlier reports today had Trump suffering from a fever, sore throat, and cough. He’s often seen huffing and puffing in his public appearances, suggesting he has underlying breathing issues to begin with.

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