Breaking down MAGA

If people expected that the fact that Tucker Carlson was exposed as secretly hating Trump was going to change any Maga minds, I’ve got bad news for them. Most Maga that I have seen now love him even more.
There are a lot of pundits who appear puzzled by this. They just can’t believe it. WHY they muse. This is PROOF. This is proof tucker was lying. Indeed it is. But I think many pundits are missing the point here. Maga — some members anyway — know Tucker lied to them. Of course, they do.
This will not change any minds. I mean — perhaps a few will be shocked, but by and large, most Maga minds won’t be changed because Maga doesn’t care. Owning the libs — winning — getting the last word — has replaced many other hobbies for these Maga people with children’s brains. Instead of doing whatever they did before — they can win on Twitter and other social media.
And their way of winning is to stand behind their team every time — for better or worse, forsaking all others till prison do they part. And right now, their team is Trump — and Tucker — and Fox. And it doesn’t matter what Tucker says or does. Clips could come out with Tucker laughing at Maga, calling them names, but it won’t matter to them.
They are in it to win it, and their twisted idea of winning means insulting the libs, proclaiming themselves truth-tellers, and insulting anyone with Ukrainian flags. These people will never care what Fox does as long as Fox and others craft their news to cater to Maga’s heart and minds.
This is not a matter of the truth that shall set them free. The only thing that will set them free is laughing at people and throwing insults, just like tucker does. Water attracts its own level.
One must think of it as what came first the chicken or the egg? So what came first, Fox or its viewers? Were there no demand for folks like tucker, there would BE no Tuckers. The fact is that there is a portion of our society that craves this. They want it, and until they stop wanting it, there will always be those who profit off their hate.