Donald Trump bottoms out
Even sociopaths have to hit rock bottom sooner or later. And for sociopath, criminal, malignant narcissist, and insurrectionist Donald Trump, it would appear that time is now. How do we know this? Because he is cornered. And his actions are beginning to reflect that.
Trump is offering up absurd defense after absurd defense. None of these defenses make any sense, and none of them will work. At this point, it seems Trump is just throwing everything but the kitchen sink around, making up stupid defenses, one after another, as they all pile up, one on top of the other.
And then they come crashing down. Donald Trump’s defenses are like grains of sand, vanishing rapidly to be placed with yet another grain of sand. He can’t keep his stories straight. The lies are tumbling over each other, and he doesn’t seem to care.
I declassified them. No, they aren’t real! The FBI is trying to frame me. I brought sensitive information home from “work” with me. Over and over, the excuses go, and where they stop, everybody seems to know.
In prison. If Donald Trump were a smarter human, he’d shut up now and let his attorneys do the talking. After all, that is what they are paid to do, although, with Trump, I highly doubt his attorneys have seen much of the green.
But Trump believes he’s smarter than everybody else. The opposite is true. Donald J. Trump is an idiot. That can’t be said enough. In fact, idiocy is his REAL nemesis because idiocy keeps trapping him in a vice-like grip, causing him to make bad decisions after bad decisions.
And his babble does not appear to be stopping anytime soon. Donald Trump’s in real trouble here, and he is showing with his foolish excuses that he will not be able to jump from the quicksand anytime soon.