Donald Trump is bottoming out right in front of our eyes

Donald Trump is a stark raving maniac. There is simply no doubt about it. As you know, Trump is looking at multiple indictments. And as you know, the closer the indictments, the crazier his behavior gets. And the other day, Trump’s behavior hit a turning point.
In an insane all-caps message, trump demanded that DA Bragg drop the case against him. “WHY WON’T BRAGG DROP THE CASE?” It’s because you’re a criminal, Donald. And most people know it. This is what I lovingly refer to as “hitting bottom,” people. There is no place left for the trump rage to go.
“THERE IS NO CRIME HERE.” Trump then went on to label DA Bragg as a “Soros-backed animal.” Those words are repugnant, people. They smack of desperation, racism and evil. But these words also show just what a lunatic trump has turned into. He no longer even seems to care if he’s doing his own case damage or not.
I should say CASES. This is because the prosecutors looking into Trump’s evil are no shrinking violets. On the contrary, they are fearless, preferring to dance in the wind with the flowers rather than cowering behind the trees. And unlike Donald Trump, the words “scared,” “weak,” and “pathetic” are not components of their personalities.
So it stands to reason Trump might not just be doing damage to one case but perhaps all of them. The angrier he gets, the more out of control he is. The more out of control he is, the more likely he is to post something incendiary. See how this goes?
It still amazes me after ALL this time that THIS warped creation of darkness is the man some particularly deranged Maga compare to Jesus. Trump has gotten away with too much for too long, and I stand with you in thinking it’s a travesty. But if Trump’s a stark raving maniac then the people prosecuting him are the opposite — clear-headed, quiet truth seekers. And Trump’s days of getting away with things are at an end.