Donald Trump’s latest “both sides” argument is bizarre even for him

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This week Donald Trump has once again asked us to take our eye off the main issue – the worsening death toll – by maintaining that he, someone who has supposedly never done alcohol or any drugs, is abusing hydroxychloroquine. Trump is also making the coronavirus a “both sides” event, stating: “There is death on both sides. There’s death on both sides. There’s death in staying in a shutdown also.”

His military physician did not specifically state in his letter that Trump was in fact taking the prescription, but Trump again on Thursday stated that he is about to finish his regiment using the medication. Today, after first saying there are different kinds of per capita (there aren’t), Trump announced “positive” news:

“And I tested very positively in another sense. So this morning. I tested positively toward negative, right? So no, I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning I tested negative. But that’s a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative.”

No one who’s right in the head speaks like that. It is incoherent. We have someone in the White House who urges others to do things that will endanger them, with reports of his supporters using hydroxychloroquine and getting sick. He also shows his disregard for using the conventions Americans are told to use, such as facial coverings. These are signs of someone who cares not about those he is supposed to lead.

We still need to raise $1541 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.