Bon voyage, George Santos!

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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It was larger than life, vulgar and crude. I refer to the hearing on whether to expel George Santos, which as I write these words ,is still going on. Santos had a few supporters, but most people who stood up to speak, spoke against Santos. Finally, it appeared. the pathological liar was getting what was coming to him. Again and again and again, and again his lies and his Craven behavior were brought up.

However, there were a few Republicans who were on his side. They took melodrama to new sizzling heights with angry words, insisting that George Santos had not been convicted of a crime.

Santos was there, too. Looking pouty and bratty as usual, he assumed a defiant stance. Reportedly Republicans had spoken to Santos earlier in the week about his options. He was asked if he might want to keep himself from looking like the fool he is by resigning. If Santos did that there would be no need for any kind of hearing.

Unfortunately, for himself, Santos appeared infuriated at the thought. Before the hearing that started on Thursday, Santos gave a bizarre press conference in which appeared unapologetic for virtually anything he had done. His ire, it would seem, was more focused on Republicans.

During the hearing a couple of Republicans went to extraordinary lengths to prop Santos up. His fate was even compared to the Salem witch trials! This is not a joke. It really happened, causing this writer to go into peels of laughter, which still, at the time of this writing, have not subsided,

Here’s the thing, though. George Santos is out. He will no longer be in Congress by next week and everybody knows it. He’s doom to fall into oblivion, and perhaps even welcome in prison’s warmest greetings. He’s certainly deserving of it in my opinion, but the most important thing here is that George Santos, is about to be expelled from Congress.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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