Bon voyage, Donald Trump!

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Revenge is a dish best not served. This is my own little take on the expression: “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” No, it’s not. Revenge for republicans should not be served at all. But someone is demanding this dish be served extra spicy and hot. SOMEONE is justifying this burning need for revenge with the following words:

“THEY DID IT TO US!!” Yes. It’s Donald Trump again, wailing on Truth Social, a social network that probably won’t exist in a few short days. Apparently, Trump is angry that the GOP is only “talking” about impeaching Joe Biden and not actually doing it. And he wants them to move faster. He said so on truth social.

“You don’t need a LONG inquiry to prove it; it’s already proven.” Nothing is proven because President Biden has done nothing wrong. What this “truth” post shows me is that Trump’s desperation is widening; he’s becoming even more pathetic, more unbalanced.

And what a reason to impeach! Because they “did it to us!” Such genius involved in that Truth post! But this does present a little bit of a problem for Republicans. Why? Well, just look at this. “Either impeach the bum or fade into oblivion.”

Bum? REALLY? Donald Trump isn’t worthy enough to be IN THE SAME ROOM AS BIDEN. But this is going to make many Republicans mighty uncomfortable. Because many — I’d argue most — of Congressional Republicans really do not WANT to try to impeach Biden. They know they’d lose. And they know they would look absurd to voters.

But still Trump, like a buzzing wasp, will not stop goading them, cajoling them, and making subtle (and not so subtle) threats. Remember when he threatened to primary the Republicans who didn’t go all in for impeaching Joe Biden?

I have a suggestion for Republicans on how to get out of the rampant mess they’ve found themselves in. Two words: two words are needed, and that should do the trick.

Yes, republicans should just ALL come out and say to the traitor: “Donald Trump. Buzz off.”

I mean, let’s face it: Donald Trump is no more than an annoying pest these days, buzzing around and making everybody near him utterly miserable.

Were the Republicans in Congress to say this, Trump would be mad sure, but he’s already mad. Every day, the maniac is mad.

Donald Trump is never happy about anything because he’s insane and cannot BE happy. So Republicans, go on a scavenger hunt for your spines (I’m sure they’re there SOMEWHERE) and just say it, “Buzz off, Donald.”

It’s easy, simple, and it would make you look perhaps a little less like the idiots you are, a wee bit less moronic — but ONLY a little less.

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