Bluesky is indeed overtaking Twitter

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Ever since Elon Musk bought Twitter, there have been numerous attempts to mass migrate away from it. We’ve seen major pushes with platforms like Post, Mastodon, Spoutible, Threads, you name it. But none of them ever quite achieved critical mass, and most folks ended up back on Twitter. But now that Musk has gone 100% villain and the election is over, a new mass migration attempt is underway โ€“ and this time it appears to be succeeding.

Over the past two weeks a huge number of people have moved from Twitter to a rising social network named Bluesky. Like all social networks, Bluesky is not perfect. But it has the benefit of not being owned and manipulated by Musk, and it has the benefit of not being a troll laden wasteland.

More importantly, so many folks have moved from Twitter to Bluesky over the past two weeks, we’re now seeing more interaction on Bluesky than we are on Twitter. Accordingly, we’re now posting everything on both Twitter and Bluesky, and letting each of you choose where to follow us.

You can find Palmer Report’s official Bluesky account here. It’s a nice place so far. Lots of influential members of the Resistance have already moved to Bluesky. And frankly, Twitter appears to be dying. So many people are deleting their Twitter accounts, we’ve lost about 40,000 followers since election day. Conversely, we’ve gained 60,000 followers on Bluesky in just the few days that we’ve had an account.

I’ve said from the start that as a political analyst it’s not my job to decide which social network(s) to be on. It’s your job to collectively decide which platform to be on, and it’s my job to be wherever you’re at. I’ll remain on Twitter until the bitter end. But I’m also now firmly on Bluesky, because it’s where so many of you are. So let’s connect on Bluesky and see where it takes us.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.