Donald Trump implies he’s blackmailing a second U.S. Senator

For the second time in four days, Donald Trump is implying that he’s holding blackmail material over a U.S. Senator. The first time he implied that he had successfully blackmailed a Senator from his own party into changing his vote on a confirmation hearing. This time he’s implying that he knows the dirty secrets of a Senator from the opposition party who caused trouble for another one of his nominees.
Back on Monday, Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky suddenly flip flopped on Donald Trump’s Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo, without giving any sort of reason for it. That prompted Palmer Report to ask if perhaps Trump was holding blackmail material over Rand Paul, based on the fact that Russian hackers targeted several 2016 presidential candidates from both parties. Sure enough, the next day Trump hinted during a joint press conference with Angela Merkel that he really was blackmailing Rand Paul, bragging that he managed to get Paul to switch his vote because “I knew things that nobody else knew.”
That alone stood out as a red flag. Then during his political rally in Michigan on Saturday night, Donald Trump began ranting about Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana. Tester was on the committee that vetted Trump’s VA nominee Ronny Jackson, and ended up having to wade through a series of serious allegations against Jackson involving alcohol, illegal drug dispensing, and harassment of a woman. Trump said this: “I know things about Tester that I could say too. And if I said them, he’d never be elected again.”
So now the sitting President of the United States has dropped two hints in five days that he’s holding blackmail material over two different U.S. Senators from two different parties. If he’s lying, he needs to be impeached for it. If he’s telling the truth, he most likely got the blackmail material from the Russians, which would be treason on his part.