Everyone piles on after Donald Trump gets caught making up fake poll about black people

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For reasons known only to him, Donald Trump decided to retweet himself an astounding twenty-two different times today. Somewhere in there he did manage to post an original tweet. The trouble: it was even more based in laugh out loud fiction than most of what comes out of Trump’s mouth.

Trump posted this tweet: “New Fox Poll shows a ‘40% Approval Rating by African Americans for President Trump, a record for Republicans.’ Thank you, a great honor!” But as it turns out, no such Fox News poll exists. Best anyone can tell, Trump based his tweet on a misrepresentation of a Rasmussen poll, which is infamously illegitimate to begin with. The responses were anything but charitable.

Congressman Eric Swalwell explained that the poll was fake, and then pointed out that even if the poll were real, it would still mean that the majority of black people disapprove of him: “He’s not even smart enough to make up a poll that makes him look gold.” The bulk of the responses were along these lines.

Meanwhile back in the real world, a poll conducted by the Washington Post reveals that Donald Trump’s approval rating with African Americans is closer to three percent.

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