Bill O’Reilly throws a complete tantrum as everything goes wrong for him

If there is one thing I hate, it’s ill-tempered morons who perhaps are unhappy with their lives and take said unhappiness out on everyone around them. A prime example of this type of behavior can be found in former Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly.
Bill’s not been in the news much lately since leaving in disgrace from his former position at Fox. And why should he be? A has-been is a has-been. But last night, he was trending on Twitter.
This is because O’Reilly has just humiliated himself in prime fashion after going nuts and screaming and cursing out a hapless Jet-Blue Airlines worker.
Billy-boy was apparently on his way to Turks and Caicos when he heard his flight was delayed. And it was delayed for five hours.
Big deal, right? I used to be quite the traveler, and I have had flights delayed way longer than that. It isn’t pleasant. It isn’t fun. But as frequent fliers — we usually just deal with it.
Not O’Reilly, though. Faster than one could say, “having a bad day?” the has-been let loose.
“You f###ing scumbag.” This primal cry was from O’Reilly in the form of a video that another airline passenger was gracious enough to take.
“What you’re gonna do….it’s THREE HOURS late!”
“No, no, no.”
“Don’t talk to me like that.”
Airline worker — “You’re threatening me with violence, man.”
No, I’m not,” retorts O’Reilly.
O’Reilly peers at the worker’s name tag.
“You’re gonna lose your job.”
O’Reilly also did not have his mask on properly, and at that time, masks were still mandatory. O’Reilly is defending himself, blaming the airline worker whom he claimed was “Arrogant.” Sigh. I really do hate entitled idiots like this. Nobody deserves to be spoken to like that. Nobody desires to be bullied.
O’Reilly really does remind me of that man at the bar — you know who I mean. We’ve all had an experience with that man at the bar – the one who sits at the end of the bar, or wanders, mumbling, occasionally lashing out, and looking at others with disdain. It’s the creep at the end of the bar.
O’Reilly’s stream of consciousness is obviously a stream filled with rage. This is not the first time his temper has put him in the spotlight, and I doubt it will be the last.