Bill Barr just failed Donald Trump on a spectacular level

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There’s a scene in Ocean’s 11 where a criminal is being arrested because he hired a henchman to do one very simple task, which he failed at. The criminal frustratedly yells, “You had one job to do!” That’s probably what Donald Trump is yelling at his television right now, as he learns that his corrupt Attorney General Bill Barr has just failed him spectacularly.

Since initially succeeding in tricking the media into believing that the Mueller report said the opposite of what it actually said, Bill Barr has quietly failed at just about every subsequent scheme he’s tried to carry out on Donald Trump’s behalf. Barr couldn’t stop Lev and Igor from being arrested. He hasn’t been able to shut down the probe into Rudy Giuliani. He couldn’t work up the nerve to comply with Trump’s order to hold a press conference and announce that Trump had been exonerated in the Ukraine extortion scandal.

Trump has presumably been keeping the otherwise useless Barr around for just one reason. The Department of Justice Inspector General Report was forthcoming about the “origins” of the FBI campaign probe into the Trump 2016 campaign. Trump and his remaining cheerleaders have long insisted that this report would prove the FBI was illegally spying on his campaign, and that he was the victim of some kind of massive deep state conspiracy.

Instead, the DOJ Inspector General report has surfaced today, and it clearly states that the FBI had fully legitimate grounds for launching the criminal probe into the Trump campaign, and that the probe was essentially carried out properly. Bill Barr then put out a meek statement saying that he disagreed with the findings. Well boo hoo. That does Donald Trump no good whatsoever. Barr probably only still only had his job so he could force the IG to put out a false report, but Barr couldn’t pull it off. Now what?

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