Bill Barr just admitted it’s over for Donald Trump

When Attorney General Bill Barr went quiet during the final weeks of the election, and then remained quiet after Donald Trump lost, we took it as a sign that Barr was no longer willing to stick his neck out for Trump. After Trump stomped his feet, Barr announced a limited “probe” that appeared to consist of nothing more than a press release. At the time, we predicted that it would go absolutely nowhere.
Sure enough, Bill Barr just told the Associated Press this afternoon that he and the Department of Justice haven’t uncovered any widespread voter fraud that could have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. So what is Barr doing?
Well, for one thing, there is no evidence that millions of votes were somehow rigged or illegal, and Barr alone couldn’t have simply manufactured such evidence with any shred of believability. For that matter, if he tried, DOJ officials would surely have shot him down on it. But why announce it like this?
Bill Barr is going to potentially face felony obstruction of justice charges once he and Trump are gone from office. All along, we’ve wondered if Barr’s endgame would consist of remaining loyal to Trump in the hope of getting a pardon, or if Barr would end up selfishly turning against Trump in the hope that it would create enough goodwill to save him from being criminally charged. He appears to have chosen the latter.
Barr is not to be trusted. As we speak, he’s trying to rush through a number of death penalty cases. That’s right, he’s the kind of monster who’s using his limited remaining time in power to literally kill people. But Barr is very much trying to distance himself from Trump’s blast radius, so to speak. And now Trump has a real problem, because even his Attorney General says the game is over.