The real reason Bill Barr has been quarantined today

Despite photo evidence that Attorney General Bill Barr was exposed to coronavirus at close range during the White House Rose Garden super spreader event, Barr refused to go into quarantine, citing the fact that he had tested negative. Of course people with coronavirus frequently test negative until they show symptoms, then test positive, but Barr was defiant.
Yet now Bill Barr has entered quarantine today, according to MSNBC’s Yasmin Vossoughian, even though he supposedly tested negative again today. So what happened? There are only three reasons to explain why Barr would suddenly now go into quarantine after having previously refused to do so. The first would be that he’s tested positive today and he’s lying about it. The second would be that he’s showing symptoms despite his negative test result; tests can be wrong.
The third scenario would be that something else has happened to spook him. For instance, Bill Barr was exposed at close range last Saturday by Kellyanne Conway. Yesterday she tested positive. This evening her daughter Claudia Conway also tested positive, proving that Kellyanne is indeed passing the virus around to people. So perhaps Barr figures he’s next.
While the specific circumstances are yet to be revealed, what is clear is this: for the past few days Bill Barr was confident that he didn’t have coronavirus, but as of today his confidence is gone. Stay tuned.