Big mistake. Huge!

There is an interesting phenomenon I’d like to talk about. That would be the Republicans. One would THINK — that they would be in a somewhat celebratory mood. After all — the not-so-Supreme Court might do as they have been achingly hoping they would for years now.
Only that is not what is happening. On the contrary, Maga seems more miserable than ever. Their mournful wails are all over social media. What are they wailing about? The leak. It’s terrorism, some Republicans actually had the gumption to declare.
It’s an insurrection, some other not-so-bright MAGAs said. A few of these folks were actually advocating for execution on social media for the leaker. It is unbelievable — and frightening.
I believe the answer as to why there is so much joylessness varies from the actual politicians to the cult that elects them. Let me explain. In the world of the Maga masses — they can’t be happy. Their world is not about winning — it’s about losing.
They’re only happy when they want something. Then they can yell “FREEDOM!” If they’re perhaps about to get something, well, then the rage doesn’t work do well, does it? Maga is addicted to rage. It’s their poison pill. They want it, they need it, at all times. It fuels them.
Now the actual politicians are a different story. I believe their misery comes from the fact that they know they have just started an earthquake. The “silent majority” they speak of doesn’t exist. We are the non-silent majority, and they know it.
And they know our chances of winning the midterms just went up, up and away. So, these two groups — different and yet the same — will continue to wallow in their seas of bubbling grievances. And while they’re doing so, the majority — us — will fight to win the 2022 midterms.