Big Brother strikes again

Big brother has struck again. Never let it be said that they wait for too long before getting up to no good. The Kite Runner is a book by Khald Hosseini. The story revolves around Amir, a young boy from Habul and his relationship with his best friend Hassan. I have read it. So many that I know have read it.
It is a coming-of-age-story, and is widely considered a masterpiece. and a modern-day classic. And now Republicans have banned it. You know, they may as well ban HUMANITY, because that is what such a book is — it is humanity at its most primitive, its most raw and its most plaintive.
Believe it or not, this ban is in St. Francis Minnesota. No, blue states are NOT immune from book bans. No place really is, with Big Brother Repubs around, ready, willing and oh so able, to make books vanish on sight.
Republicans appear to be taking cues from a Florida website with links to Moms for Liberty, that insane group that has been responsible for many a book ban all over the country. The books that are usually up for bans often feature LGBTQ people, Black and Brown people, religious commentary and sexual scenes.
in the case of the Kite Runner, there is a sexual assault scene that apparently some Republicans have decided is not appropriate for kids to read. The novel The Kite Runner addresses “racial caste systems, sexual assault, Theocracy, and U.S. foreign policy, ” making it prime pickings for the big brother republicans who do not want kids to be able to think and to process information.
The author of The Kite Runner, said that he has been receiving letters for years from high school students, many of whom tell the author how the book inspired them, was made for them, touched them, and haunted them. This book also, many claim, helps, and enables the reader to stand up to bullies. Perhaps that is why it scares Republicans so very much.