Biden pulls ahead of Trump in another post-debate poll

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After the first debate, the (entire) media and pundit class told us that President Joe Biden was doomed. Major news outlets even went so far as to call for him to drop out, or to claim that the party was in discussions to replace him. But if you stepped back from the hysteria and thought it through, you’d realize that a cold-riddled Biden and an unusually cogent Trump came off as pretty much the same during the debate, meaning it wasn’t going to change a lot of minds.

Sure enough, post-debate polling has shown very little change in the state of the 2024 race. The media has been quick to seize upon the handful of polls that have shown minor gains for Trump. But there have also been multiple polls showing minor gains for Biden. In fact, in the latest TIPP poll released today, Biden is now ahead by two points. Prior to the debate, Biden and Trump had been tied.

In other words, so much for all the media hype about Biden being in trouble. The media managed to get a nice ratings spike by hyping that nonsensical story, but now the numbers are making clear that it was indeed nonsense. Meanwhile back in the real world, Trump is now nine days away from his sentencing hearing, which should be the next thing to potentially move the needle in the election. Donate to Palmer Report

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