Biden and the Democrats come out swinging on messaging

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Republicans have always prided themselves on being fiscally conservative or fiscally responsible, even though a Republican president hasn’t balanced the budget in over 60 years and their policies often result in massive deficits. The party’s leadership isn’t really hiding behind that label anymore, as Rick Scott has made clear that he intends to raise taxes on everyone in order to preserve the Trump tax cuts – a tax cut that was pretty much a giveaway exclusively to their donors and less popular historically than most tax increases.

Essentially, during a period of inflation that they like to regularly point out, the GOP wants to actually increase taxes on the average family by $1,500 while Democrats have looked to do things like repeal gas taxes on the state level as a practical way to help the average citizen hurt by inflation and high gas prices.

A few Democratic candidates have already worked the GOP’s proposed tax hikes into their messaging, but with Monday being Tax Day, they got a massive boost for the midterms when President Biden decided to blast the GOP’s latest draconian plan, all while promising tax relief for the middle class. Under his plan, no one making under $400,000 a year would have to worry about paying a higher tax rate, while also ensuring a minimum corporate tax rate of 15% that would make companies pay their fair share, while pressing millionaires and billionaires to do the same.

This is part of why we see the media actively rooting for Republicans to win and trying to actively placate the GOP – but we’re seeing the Democrats get behind messaging that can help them win in November, and it’ll be harder for the media to ignore that message.

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