Donald Trump has berserk late night meltdown after whistleblower comes forward against him

This week Dr. Rick Bright publicly testified to Congress about the Trump regime’s disastrous mishandling of the coronavirus crisis, and its retaliatory behavior toward him after he tried to privately sound the alarm. Now it’s clear that Dr. Bright’s testimony has struck a nerve with Donald Trump.
One of Trump’s stooges has dug up the fact that Dr. Bright happens to be a registered Democrat. So what? This has no bearing on anything. But Donald Trump doesn’t understand anything, so shortly before midnight eastern time, he erupted about the whole thing in incoherent fashion.
Trump tweeted “Another Fake Whistleblower. Republicans must do something about these terrible people, and now!” What’s that even supposed to mean? Trump appears to be urging Republicans in Congress to take some kind of unspecified yet illegal steps to punish whistleblowers who come forward.
This tweet alone could end up landing Donald Trump yet another felony obstruction of justice count against him, if he loses the election.