Donald Trump goes completely berserk, calls for Fox News reporter’s head

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Just how ugly is Donald Trump’s military scandal? Even Fox News felt compelled to do its job for once by independently confirming the story, instead of lying on Trump’s behalf. With Trump now taking heat from all sides, he’s characteristically lashing out – and he’s specifically attacking Fox.

Donald Trump is directing his rage specifically at Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, who confirmed on Friday afternoon that Trump did indeed refer to U.S. military personnel as “losers” and “suckers” for risking their lives to defend their country.

Trump is citing white supremacist propaganda site Breitbart as supposed evidence that “Jennifer Griffin of Fox News Did Not Confirm ‘Most Salacious‘ Part of Atlantic Story,” adding that “Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this kind of reporting.” That’s right, Trump is in such trouble, he’s demanding that a Fox News reporter be fired. This isn’t going to end well for him.

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