Donald Trump’s trip to El Paso was even more of an embarrassment behind the scenes

Donald Trump’s visit to El Paso, where a mass shooter had just murdered twenty-two people after spouting Trump-like white supremacist rhetoric, was a disaster on its face. Trump spent the day viciously attacking the region’s political leaders, as well as attacking the leaders of Dayton, the other city he visited. But behind the scenes, Trump’s visit was even more of an embarrassment.
Of the eight El Paso shooting victims who were still in the hospital when Donald Trump arrived, precisely zero of them were willing to meet with him, according to a startling new report from the Washington Post. The law of averages says that perhaps half of the eight victims might have belonged to the opposing political party, and simply didn’t want to meet with Trump for that reason. But with all eight of them having refused to meet Trump, it speaks to how thoroughly he’s hated in El Paso, in a way that goes far beyond party lines. It gets worse.
Just so Donald Trump would have someone to meet with in El Paso, the Trump regime managed to track down a few shooting victims who had already been discharged, and were willing to come back to the hospital to meet with him. In other words, the whole thing was staged. But it somehow gets even worse than that.
CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted that one of the people who came back to the hospital to meet with Donald Trump was the baby whose parents died in the shooting. In other words, the baby didn’t have a choice. Trump’s behavior was so embarrassing during the entire thing, one hospital official told Acosta that Trump showed “an absence of empathy” – not an insufficient amount of empathy, mind you, but a full absence of empathy. Then again, he is a narcissistic sociopath.