Donald Trump goes bonkers after getting banned from the ballot

Last week the state of California enacted a law that will require everyone running for president in 2020 to publicly release several years of his tax returns if they want their name to appear on the ballot in the state. It’s taken Donald Trump awhile, but he appears to have finally figured out that the law is going to cause him problems.
Palmer Report explained last week that, while Donald Trump isn’t going to win an electoral votes in the 2020 general election in California whether he’s on the ballot or not, it could cause him problems in the 2020 Republican primary:
Imagine being just four weeks into the 2020 primary voting, and Donald Trump loses the California Republican primary – and those delegates go to some nobody right out of the gate. At the least, the media would spend the rest of the primary cycle insisting that the also-ran had a chance of taking Trump down, and that’s the kind of headache that could damage Trump heading into the general election.
Donald Trump appears to have figured this out last night after he watched a segment about it on Fox News. Shortly before midnight, Trump tweeted a long rant about the state of California, before adding this bizarre coda: “Just more of the record setting Presidential Harassment. Don’t feel badly, New York State is far worse!” For starters, it’s “feel bad” not “feel badly.” He’s also attacking New York for no apparent reason.
If nothing else, we now know how Donald Trump spent last night before his big trip today to El Paso: in bed and watching Fox News, in the hope that any of the stooge hosts ended up saying anything positive about him. Also, Trump’s attacks on California and New York are a clear attempt at distracting from the real story here: Trump’s white supremacist rhetoric is to blame for the El Paso mass shooting.