Bad numbers for Donald Trump

When dealing with former “president” Donald Trump, it is sometimes best to just throw your hands up in the air and keep it moving. He is the epitome of uselessness. The thing he does best is lie, and even lies to himself. According to Huffington Post, he is in for a rude awakening.
Trump has always been obsessed with crowd sizes. He lies about them to make himself feel good. Remember his lie that his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama’s? Yeah, so does everyone else. He has also thrived on boasting about the size of crowds at his hate rallies. If you had any doubt about his willingness to stop the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, he even bragged about that crowd size, which he saw as a testament of love to him. Ultimately, for Trump, these numbers gauged his success, which is stupid, but we’re talking about Donald Trump. Likely he is even too stupid to listen to one of his own that his recent “crowds” don’t bode well for him.
HuffPost reported that GOP strategist Susan Del Percio has watched Trump’s rally numbers steadily shrink, and she sees that as “an ominous sign” for him. Trump’s last rally in North Carolina was much smaller than his previous rally at the same venue. Del Percio pointed to a piece from The News & Observer in Selma, that said Trump spoke to between 1,000 and 2,000 people while in 2016, he drew 15,000. That’s huge. Similarly, the attendance at his recent visit to Georgia paled in comparison to crowds he drew in 2016, and Kemp is still leading Purdue by miles, so something is afoot.
Perhaps some of Trump’s followers aren’t as daft as we thought and are waking up to the reality that they are backing a loser. Del Percio believes it is more than that. She said that people are no longer buying into the “big lie.” Many Republicans-including Trump Republicans-just want that entire nightmare to die down so that they can move on. The lie has never been proven to have one shred of truth, and continuing to perpetuate it has done little, if any, to help Republicans. In fact, it has begun to hurt them. That is the message they are seemingly getting across to some Republican voters. Republicans know it is in their best interests to move on from this nonsense, and they seem to be having some success. The thing is, Donald Trump will never change, and the only person who finds him useful is Donald Trump.
HuffPost shared that Trump is at Mar-a-Lago, basking in some sort of twisted self-worship. Washington Post journalist Josh Dawsey went to interview him last week, and he shared that he has “worshipful fans” who applaud when he enters the room. This is exactly the type of attention a narcissist craves, and he gets his fill there. Hopefully, he will wake up one day and realize that’s where he needs to stay. It is obvious that the rest of the world sees him in a completely different light than he sees himself.

Shirley is a former entertainment writer and has worked in the legal field for over 25 years