Bad news for Trump stooge Mark Meadows

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Former Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has managed to handle his legal problems in the dumbest way possible. He cooperated with investigators just enough to be seen as a sellout by Trump world, but he didn’t cooperate enough to be able to get himself any sort of leniency. He stands criminally indicted in multiple jurisdictions while he awaits trial. Now he’s even managing to lose on the jurisdiction front.

Meadows has now lost his attempt at getting his Arizona state level criminal charges moved to federal court. If this sounds familiar, it comes after Meadows also failed in his attempt at getting his Georgia state level criminal charges moved to federal court. It’s not clear why Meadows thinks this is some kind of winning strategy, but it keeps predictably failing him.

Mark Meadows is now looking at spending a long time in state prison in Arizona and/or Georgia, whichever state convicts him first. And with all these antics he’s likely burned his bridges too severely with prosecutors to even be able to cut a cooperation deal. Meadows is simply toast. He and Trump can share a cell.

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