Bad news for JD Vance

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Two people are running for Vice President, two men the American people are getting to know. We have our first evidence of what the Americans think of Tim Walz and Dorian Gray. A new poll is out. A poll that asked people how they felt about Walz and Vance. This poll, done by YouGov, found good news for Tim Walz.

The Democratic would-be-VP has a net favorability of +11. This is excellent news! It seems the American people really like Tim Walz. And why wouldn’t they? Walz has already, it would seem, found his way into the hearts and minds of the American people. His no-nonsense (and hysterically funny) speaking ways are oozing with charisma, the rollout went perfectly, and Walz seems the perfect VP for Kamala Harris.

Now, let’s look at the results for the other VP contender. This one is known for his ability to follow Kamala Harris around the country when he’s not growling about single cat ladies. But it seems we have bad news for Vance—very bad news indeed. This poll found that Vance’s net favorability has drooped!

Oh my. This isn’t good news for Vance, who has not recently been on the campaign trail. Perhaps he’s been channel surfing on the sofa. Who knows?

Minus Nine. Oh dear, JD. These numbers are so bad for you. What’s a misogynist to do? The previous poll showed minus six. So sad for Just-dumb Vance! And those numbers might get even WORSE as JD has indeed made several blunders in the last few days, such as making the Morning Joe crew laugh hysterically when Vance could not answer a straightforward question from a reporter:

“What makes you happy?”

“Well, I smile at a lot of things, including bogus questions from the media,” was the hillbilly’s answer.

Uh-oh! Vance alert! It would seem JD’s answers are starting to resemble his benefactor Trump’s answers, meaning they are NON-ANSWERS. I’m sure Walz will be pleased with this poll. Vance will not be. But as you can see for yourself, Vance appears not to be happy about ANYTHING, as his non-response to that question showed.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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