Bad news for Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

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Tick-Tick. Tick-Tock. That’s the sound of the clock ticking down to the moment when some of the Trump Progeny have some serious decisions to make. It looks like this moment is now. The New York Attorney General has subpoenaed both Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. for testimony regarding the investigation into the Trump organization. This is for the civil case.

So many subpoenas for the various Trumps! They’re literally awash in subpoenas. Isn’t this fun? Only the children are being — well — sort of bratty. It is being reported they refuse to comply with the subpoenas. If everybody got a dollar when one of the Trumps refused to comply with something, everybody would be millionaires.

The two Trump children are said to be working on a motion to quash the subpoenas. This was made public in a motion filed. It won’t work. The Trump children are no different than their insurrectionist of a father. They eat, sleep and breathe privilege. But it’s a fallacy. Whatever privilege they imagine themselves to have does not insulate them from the rule of law — much as they likely wish it would.

Lady Justice is tough, unyielding, and suffers no fools. And the two Trump children are indeed fools — silly fools — if they think their comical strategy will work. Have you, readers, in all your life experience ever seen a more spoiled bunch of individuals than the Trump family?

The Trump children — at least Ivanka — will most likely be subpoenaed by the January 6 committee as well, in my opinion. So, the clock continues its relentless countdown as the Trump children, blinded by imaginary entitlement, cloaked in grandiosity, frantically try to fight off the inevitable. This is starting to get good.

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