Bad news for Greg Abbott
Don’t mess with Texas! Especially don’t mess with female Texans’ right to make their own decisions about their bodies. Greg Abbott never received that memo. Desperate for relevancy and to please former President assolini, Abbott is proudly sporting his MAGA credentials while attempting to turn Texas into a third-world country. Only Abbott’s dastardly plans are also affecting his poll numbers and not in a good way.
Shocking news in that regard. There is a new poll out. And it shows VERY bad news for the MAGA Governor. This poll was done by The Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation and Rice University’s Baker Institute. In a match-up with Beto O’Rourke, the two of them are in a virtual tie. Abbott gets 44% of the vote, Beto 43%. Panicking yet, Mr. Abbott? This poll has a margin of error of 2.6%
Beto’s support among Hispanic voters is also tremendous, far ahead of Abbott’s. Of course, this is but one poll. The problem for Abbott is that there have been OTHER polls, also showing his popularity plunging downward. This poll only highlights what we already knew, and this poll also shows that the downward spiral for Abbott is CONTINUING — not waning at all.
So, yes, I believe the Texas Governor race is highly winnable, although the Texas GOP crazies will do all they can to suppress the vote.
If I were Abbott (and thank goodness, I am not), and I’d be panicking about now. The man is virtually bleeding support. He has no support except the MAGA crowd, and it looks like that is not going to change.
And apparently, the “gun” comments that Beto made have not lessened his popularity just as Palmer Report predicted they wouldn’t. So, as the 2022 midterms draw closer, I would not want to be Abbott right now. He is destroying the great state of Texas, and it would seem everybody knows it but him and his cult followers.
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