Bad news for “Chief Whiney” Donald Trump

For quite some time Palmer Report has been pointing out that Donald Trump’s 2024 Republican primary numbers were alarmingly bad for him. Trump was never polling much above 50% in Republican primary polling at any point. And when other contenders like Ron DeSantis fell by the wayside, Trump failed to gain any of that support.
When primary voting began, we continued seeing the same pattern. Trump only got around 50-60% of the Republican primary vote in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire, even when Nikki Haley was the only other candidate left in the primary race.
Now that Haley has dropped out, Trump is still underperforming in more recent primary states. As former House Republican Adam Kinzinger put it on Twitter, “The fact that Haley is still getting almost 20 percent in these states AFTER dropping out is a badddddd sign for Chief Whiney.”
Chief Whiney. We like that one. In any case these primary results are exceedingly bad for Donald Trump. At this point he’s running unopposed in the Republican primary race and he’s still underperforming. It’s more clear than ever that a large number of Republican voters despise Trump to the point that they’ll never vote for him. If the GOP wants to nominate a senile convicted criminal at its convention this summer who’s unpopular with even Republican voters, so be it.