Brett Kavanaugh is having a really, really, really bad day

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Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hasn’t exactly been having any good days lately, whether it’s the mounting number of sexual assault allegations against him, his embarrassingly unhinged Senate testimony, the sinking prospects of his nomination, or the FBI investigation launched into the allegations. But the past few hours have spelled out that Kavanaugh is having an almost astonishingly bad day today.

It was bad enough for Brett Kavanaugh when GOP Senator Jeff Flake opened his mouth this afternoon and forced Donald Trump into finally removing the secret restrictions that his White House had placed on the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh. But, as it turns out, that was just the beginning. Senate Judiciary Committee transcripts posted to the official Senate website revealed that the committee received a letter accusing Kavanaugh of having raped a woman in the back of a car, and that the committee took the allegation seriously enough to privately question Kavanaugh about it.

Then NBC News revealed that Kavanaugh had been tampering with witnesses in relation to the accusations made against him by Deborah Ramirez, and that there were text messages to substantiate this. Shortly thereafter, Julie Swetnick appeared on MSNBC to further spell out her accusations that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge participated in a series of gang rape parties – and she revealed that she filed a police report at the time. Even as all this was playing out, Mark Judge announced through his attorney that the FBI has begun interviewing him, and that it wants to interview him further.

In the past few hours we’ve learned that Brett Kavanaugh has yet another accuser, that he’s been caught tampering with witnesses, and that the FBI is now free to look into anything it wants. The only question now is whether Kavanaugh will still be the nominee in the next few hours, or if he’ll finally withdraw his name.

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