Author Stephen King rips Susan Collins a new one

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From her vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, to her vote to acquit Donald Trump in his impeachment trial, Republican Senator Susan Collins has been thoroughly embarrassing herself and her home state of Maine for the past year and a half. Renowned author Stephen King, a proud resident of Maine, has absolutely had it with Collins’ antics.

Stephen King tweeted this: “Susan Collins voted along party lines to confirm Trump pick, arch-conservative John Ratcliffe, as Director of National Intelligence. He has no experience. His only selling point is his devotion to Donald Trump. Susan Collins must go.”

The good news is that Susan Collins is up for reelection this November, and she’s facing strong competition from Democratic challenger Sara Gideon. You can support her campaign here.

We still need to raise $1151 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.