Attorney General of Pennsylvania tells Donald Trump to go to hell

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Donald Trump and his surrogates have been pretty open about the fact that they plan to falsely declare victory on Tuesday night and then somehow try to convince the courts to throw out all the rest of the ballots. Of course the first rule of having an evil secret plan is that you don’t publicly brag about your evil secret plan, or else you’re giving everyone a heads up on how to stop you.

Trump said this about Pennsylvania: “We’re going to go in the night of. As soon as that election’s over, we’re going in with our lawyers.” But Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is having none of it.

AG Shapiro posted this tweet in response to Donald Trump: “FACT CHECK: Our elections are over when all the votes are counted. But if your lawyers want to try us, we’d be happy to defeat you in court one more time.”

Shapiro is referring to the fact that he and his state have already beaten Donald Trump in court multiple times when it comes to accepting and counting ballots. There is no reason to expect the outcome to be any different if Trump tries any desperate antics tomorrow night.

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