We’ve finally arrived at Donald Trump’s downfall

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Don’t ask me the precise day Donald Trump will be ousted from the presidency, or precisely how it’ll happen. Those kinds of finer details have a way of being the least predictable. But at this point I can tell you this much: it’s over. We’ve arrived at Donald Trump’s end. He’s been checkmated, and it’s becoming so obvious that even he’s about to figure it out. How can I be so sure?

Over the weekend, Palmer Report explained how Robert Mueller and House Democrats had managed to checkmate Donald Trump. Mueller had his SDNY allies accuse Trump of just two felony counts, out of the hundreds he’ll eventually be hit with. This alone sets up a situation in which Trump will be arrested the minute he’s no longer president. The Democrats, Adam Schiff in particular, then began spelling out that Trump’s only possible way out would be to negotiate his swift resignation in exchange for some degree of criminal leniency.

Here’s the key: even the mainstream media, which has never wanted to skip ahead in this scandal by even a page or two, is now talking about the reality that Donald Trump will be in handcuffs the minute his presidency is over. Pundits are saying it on MSNBC. More importantly, pundits are also saying it on Fox News, the channel that Trump watches every night. Whether Trump thinks it’s fair or legitimate or not, he now knows that if he doesn’t give up now, the rest of his life will consist of prison.

This is all a result of just two felony accusations, neither of which involve Donald Trump’s treasonous election conspiracy with Russia. Even with just this subtle nudge from Mueller and SDNY, Trump’s only two remaining options are to negotiate his resignation or die in a cell, and even his buddies at Fox have explained it to him.

When faced with this kind of no-win situation and certain failure in the past, Donald Trump has always opted to cut a deal (bankruptcy) and walk away. We’ll see if he decides to drag this out a bit longer before caving. But just two felony counts in, and we’ve already arrived at his downfall. The longer this goes on, and the more felonies he’s hit with, the worse of a resignation deal he’ll be able to cut. And don’t worry, New York state will end up putting him in prison for charges like money laundering and real estate fraud anyway.

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