So this explains Robert Mueller’s little delay in Trump-Russia arrests

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

So why weren’t any of the big Trump-Russia targets arrested today, or yesterday, or the day before? After all, Special Counsel Robert Mueller told us in writing eight days ago that one or more major busts, inspired by the Paul Manafort plea deal, would happen within the next ten days. The clock is ticking, right? Now we have a good – and worthwhile – explanation for the apparent slight delay in Mueller’s big move.

This afternoon we learned that Jerome Corsi is negotiating a plea deal with Robert Mueller. Why does this matter? Corsi is in prime position to sell out Roger Stone and Julian Assange. But wait, isn’t Stone already nailed fourteen different ways, and isn’t Assange already charged? Yes. But the point of the criminal cases against these types isn’t simply to put them in prison.

The entire point of busting Roger Stone is to get him to flip on Donald Trump. It’s not enough for Mueller to simply hit Stone with strong enough indictments to ensure that a grand jury will eventually convict him. Mueller has to hit Stone with such overwhelmingly strong indictments that Stone takes one look at what he’s up against, realizes he’s screwed, and quickly flips. Similarly, if Mueller is trying to get Assange extradited, his case has to be overwhelming enough to convince foreign governments to give Assange up.

The Jerome Corsi deal might take a few days to finalize, and for all we know, Mueller might have to bring Corsi before the grand jury again on Monday, in order to make the Roger Stone indictments more bulletproof. And if Mueller is indeed planning to bust multiple people all at once in order to throw Donald Trump off, the slight delay in popping Stone could cause him to wait a few extra days to pop everyone else. But Corsi has enough Trump-Russia dirt that it’s surely worth waiting for.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.