Arizona’s Republican Attorney General points to Joe Biden victory

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For Donald Trump to keep the con game going about how he’s somehow magically going to overturn the election results, he has to keep up the illusion that he can win Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona to get to 270.

That’s a tough sell, considering Joe Biden has already won Pennsylvania, and that Biden has an insurmountable lead in Georgia as it goes to a recount. Now things appear to have just gotten even tougher for Trump, because the Arizona Attorney General just entered the fray.

According to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich – a Republican – just said this: “There’s less than 50,000 votes to count and the president would have to get about 65% of them to win Arizona. So it does appear that Joe Biden will win Arizona.” This means the remaining news outlets should call Arizona for Biden soon.

Once that happens, Donald Trump’s narrative will fall apart completely. Even if he did win the Georgia recount (which he won’t), and even if he did convince the courts to hand him Pennsylvania (which absolutely won’t happen), he still wouldn’t have a path to 270 with Arizona fully off the table. The sooner everyone can see that Trump has no path to 270, the sooner he’ll have to give up his little fundraising con game of “contesting” the election result.

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