Another power move by President Biden

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The Gaza conflict has largely been out of the news, even with a potential ceasefire drawing near, as the news of the RNC and President Biden dropping out of the 2024 race are taking up the focus of most media outlets.

Taking advantage of the general election season heating up, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who clearly wants Donald Trump back in the White House, planned to formally address the US Congress this week, a move that was clearly premeditated by the GOP. Both Netanyahu and the GOP-led Congress figured it could be a way to taunt President Biden, who reportedly wanted to stay in the race until after the speech had been given.

Now that he’s suspended his campaign, however, President Biden has other ideas. On the same night as the Israeli PM’s speech, Biden announced that he will formally address the nation on ending his campaign and the end of his presidential term. It’s a power move that will guarantee that whatever Netanyahu says, the president will be the one who ultimately leads the news cycle.

Pundits might talk about the address for an hour or so, while President Biden’s speech makes for a news cycle or too, inevitably highlighting the progressive items he announced over the last few days that he hopes to carry out by the end of his term. For all the trouble the media gave him, President Biden will ultimately have the last laugh.

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