Amy Coney Barrett just blew it

Amy Coney Barrett’s extremist and deranged views on society, coupled with her creepy and perverted desire to control other people’s bodies, disqualified her from being a judge a long time ago. But during this week’s hearings, she’s been trying hard to pretend she’s a normal person with sane views, so Senate Republicans can get away with confirming her.

The trouble is, bigots are going to bigot. It’s in their nature. It always comes out eventually. When Amy Coney Barrett was asked today about whether she agreed with Antonin Scalia’s vote against gay marriage, she tried to dodge the question before ultimately saying what she thought people wanted to hear: she doesn’t discriminate based on “sexual preference.”

This is a highly offensive term that falsely implies being gay is a choice. It would be one thing for the average person off the street to use this term; that could come down to unfortunate ignorance. But when a federal judge uses a term like “sexual preference” instead of “sexual orientation,” she definitely knows better. She’s just a homophobic jerk.

Amy Coney Barrett just blew it. She’s exposed herself as a homophobe who clearly does not believe in fundamental LGBT rights, and will not take LGBT rights seriously when making her rulings. She’s made it harder for Senate Republicans to sell her to the American public as a reasonable, normal person, when in fact she is a bigoted monster.

We’ll let The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell’s senior producer Kyle Griffin have the last word: “‘Sexual preference,’ a term used by Justice Barrett, is offensive and outdated. The term implies sexuality is a choice. It is not. News organizations should not repeat Justice Barrett’s words without providing that important context.”

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