Considering that Donald Trump has spent his life committing real estate fraud, bank fraud, mortgage fraud, tax fraud, and insurance, fraud, he’d be familiar with the word “fraud.” But after what we saw on display from Trump today, his mind may be too far gone to even remember what the word means. In any case, Trump seems to think that this is an appropriate thing to tweet:
Sean Parnell is an American Hero. Connor Lamm has proven to be an American fraud, and a puppet for Crazy Nancy Pelosi. He said he would NOT vote for her for Speaker, and did. Will kill 2A. Voted to impeach (on nothing). A TOTAL & COMPLETE Sean Parnell Endorsement!
For starters, as a general rule, if you’re going to call someone a “fraud” then you probably shouldn’t try to make your case while spelling that person’s first and last names incorrectly. His name is Conor Lamb not “Connor Lamm.” It’s also surreal that Trump would choose Memorial Day of all days to call someone an “American fraud” – particularly considering Trump was impeached for criminally conspiring with a foreign government against the United States.