What the Supreme Court might do — or not do — will come down to us. I suppose this leak should not be a surprise. We have a Court that is now feeling emboldened. They think themselves invincible — as if nothing can touch them. I will once again use Icarus as an example. The Supreme Court is not above hubris. Nobody is. Not you, not this writer — anyone can fall victim to it.
The Supreme Court, however, has the power to change lives. And this Supreme Court is very dangerous. They’re dangerous because they want to color our world — with their imagined moral superiority. Nobody is above hubris, but nobody is also invincible. If we throw our weight behind making this a central issue, we MAY be able to change a few minds on the court.
And even if we cannot, if we broaden our majorities, maybe we can seat MORE Justices. But we can’t have a tiny majority to do that as we do now.We must expand it. I bet some of you felt awful when you heard about this, right? I know I wanted to curl up in a cocoon and weep.
But that would be letting them win. We can’t. We owe it to ourselves, our children and grandchildren, to every female who might have to walk in sorrow in the imagined possible reality of a Handmaid’s Republic of Gilead — we OWE it to everybody — to try to fight this.
Doing so will require energy, work, and passion, but we must do it. I must also thank whoever leaked this. People who let fear control them become impotent because they become immobilized. I’ve done it in my life. Haven’t you? Every one of us has been in terrible fear at one time or another.
But we have to let the boldness take over. I come from a family of whistleblowers. My parents, who have saved lives, never rolled over for anyone, and I use them as examples and heroes.
Take your strength from whomever and whatever has shaped you — whether it be a family member, friend, President, or activist — or a media organization like Palmer Report who gave me strength long before I started writing for them. Let’s fight back and keep fighting — for freedom of our bodies, souls and very existence.