“ALL HELL JUST BROKE LOOSE” – Donald Trump goes off the deep end after his criminal conviction

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Now that Donald Trump has been found guilty on thirty-four felony charges by a jury of his peers, he and his handlers are predictably already trying to milk the whole thing and find some silver lining.

Trump send out a fundraising message tonight with the headline “From Trump: ALL HELL JUST BROKE LOOSE! I WAS CONVICTED IN A RIGGED TRIAL!” Well okay then, whatever. Trump might make a few bucks off this, but it’s still the worst news of his life. Trump is now a convicted felon, and he’s facing sentencing in July.

Meanwhile Trump just looks like a desperate idiot for sending out such messages. His base may react positively. But the media ends up covering these kinds of things, and it makes him look shady in the eyes of the general public – at a time when Trump, now a convicted felon, can’t afford to look even more shady.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: